About Keryx Prison Ministryherald angel

In the ancient world, a keryx, or “herald” was someone sent by his master to proclaim in public the master’s message. He dared not change the announcement because it was not his own. His responsibility was only to proclaim it accurately.

The candidates (male incarcerated individuals) participate in a three-day retreat (Tuesday through Thursday) inside the facility. They then attend weekly reunion meetings on Friday evenings to continue to grow in their faith.

Two weekends a year (fall and spring) are held at Collins Correctional Facility (side 1). Each weekend includes the candidates, some stewards (helpers who made a previous weekend), and male volunteer team members who spend all day in the prison but leave at night. The team also includes volunteers (men and women) back at the nearby church who serve in a support role: praying for the candidates, preparing notes and gifts for the candidates, and preparing some of the meals for the inside team.

Keryx Brochure

brochure page 1


brochure page 2
